> >Isn't it Walsh's responsibility as head coach to know, and abide
> > by, the rules?
> No, it is not the head coach's sole responsibility to follow the rules.
And there it is!  Many of us out here have been struggling with whole Walsh
issue and the views of his die-hard supporters and I think we finally see why.
I have personally been trying to figure out why my feelings toward this man
were in such contrast to alot of college hockey fans around the country and
after many many years it comes down to that one sentence above.  I am sincere
when I offer my thanks to Kevin for finally putting the whole issue together
for me.
I clearly do not agree with Kevin and I finally understand exactly why.
Thank You.  (We can put this one to bed now)
 Howard Quimby - [log in to unmask]             |\                ( )
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