On  7 Oct 96 at 10:25, Wayne Smith wrote:
> o I thought it was a very good turnout, too ...  with a fair turnout
>   of students (maybe the current staff didn't go to the dorms and frats
>   as directly and as energeticly as did Shawn Walsh?) and a much
>   better than usual turnout of the local community fans.
Agreed.  I thought the student turnout was somewhat disappointing
(Cronin seemed to echo that during his brief comments as well) but
the turnout from the community was surprisingly large.
It is reassuring to see since I for one was worried about what the
crowds might be like at games this season.  Hopefully this is a good
> o I was impressed with the defense.  Not only had Cullen obviously
>   improved during the off-season, but so did White and others.
I noticed this as well too.  Seems funny that the first thing we'd
notice was the defense after so much talk about how bad the defense
would be next year.
> o No one showed they could put the puck in the net.
I didn't really give much stock to this because some of these guys
haven't played much this summer, and I'm sure there are many
different emotions out there as well.  I think we'll find out more
Saturday about what kind of offense once guys have worked together
for a week or so and a system established.  With so many new faces I
wasn't surprised to see the low scoring.
> o There were lots of defensive breakdowns by the forwards in the
>   offensive zone that probably won't be repeated next Saturday.
Agreed, and everyone probably was looking to score a little too much
as well.
> o Everyone has been talking about Alfie Michaud, and goal-tender is
>   always an important position, but the other 2 not yet cleared by
>   the NCAA may be impact players, according to stories I've heard.
That would be Robert Ek and Shawn Mansoff.  Any word yet on if they
are cleared?  The way I heard things it wasn't a question of "if"
they'd be cleared but "when".
> o Good job by the pep band!  Where were the blue-liners?
I saw two or three blueliners throw out shirts, but that's it.
> o Dan Shermerhorn, did you get the number of that truck?  Who says
>   intersquad practices don't have hitting?
I believe that was Pasquell wasn't it?
Deron Treadwell - [log in to unmask]
Editor, US College Hockey Online
USCHO:  http://www.uscollegehockey.com