Hi -
On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Mike Abegg wrote:
> The Tuesday (Oct 22) Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN) is reporting that
> the University of Minnesota has suspended head hockey coach Doug Woog
> for this weekend's 2-game series at Minnesota-Duluth and will reduce
> scholarships by one for the 1997-98 season.
> These sanctions are the penalties for a self-reported NCAA rules
> violation.  The violation concerns Woog's passing $500 from a booster to
> then-Gopher defenseman Chris McAlpine to help pay his spring 1994 tuition.
> Probably of more concern than anything else is the fact that Woog
> appears to have known that what he was doing was wrong, but went ahead
> and did it anyway.
   Not wanting to start a flame war, but ....
   Where have I heard this attitude expressed before ?!?
   The mind-numbing parade of DivI Ice Hockey coaches (and even certain
Conference officials) who have recently been accussed of varying degrees
of NC$$ "malfeaseance" is a blot on the sport that will not soon go away.
Nor does it reflect well on the administrations of the school(s) in
question that - with rare exceptions - seem to believe that (a) self-
reporting somehow absolves them from futher responsibility/recriminations,
and (b) the glare of the spotlight is somehow a magical balm that will
instill deep feelings of regret, remorse, and shame in the hearts of the
wronged parties, followed by a new outlook of goodness and light -
Father Flanagan himself could not be expected to behave more saintly.
Puulleeze .... It's time to stop coddling the egregious rule-breakers
and go for the jugular; do the crime - do the time .... no exceptions.
   Disgustedly in Maryland - Jim
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