All this talk about Jay leaving before graduation has made me wonder:
Does anyone know for sure, if, had he passed his current classes, that he would
have INDEED graduated in May?  Or would/does he have additional requirements to
When a player is on a scholarship "contract" is eligibility determined prior to
the season of the sport they participate in?  (ie, since Jay was a "full-time"
student when hockey started in October (Fall semester), and he was active and
enrolled come January (winter semester) he could theoretically drop out of
school anytime after the start of the semester (drop add period) and the school
still would pay for his classes, right?
My 2 cents: Ask the Devils management if they would be willing to allow him to
wait and report to camp next year....if they respond by witholding a signing
bonus, docking his pay, or feel he has a chance to "come up" and contribute
during the playoffs, then forget school!  He probably will only play 10 years
tops (maybe not even beyond his contract)....he will be an "ancient"
30-something year old with 30+ years to work until retirement...retaking 1
semester's worth of classes is no great punishement to face, considering
the financial rewards he is reaping right now....he'll probably make more
in these first few years with the Devils than he'll make working 30 years in
the real world.
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