While digging through some cabinets in the station (looking for
rubber bands), I came across the minutes from the Executive Committee
meetings from the 1960's.
February 19, 1963:  The WRPI banner was destroyed at the Clarkson
hockey game.  A letter will be sent to the Clarkson student
government, with a copy sent to the Clarkson administration.
The game was on 2/16, with Clarkson demolishing RPI 7-3, so I don't
know why the Tech. supporters needed to destroy the station's banner.
Jayson and I have feared the loss of the banner by irate fans, but
only at places they can get to it, like Cornell, where we do the
"haul-in-the-banner" maneuver at the final buzzer.
The destroyed banner would not be replaced until December 1965.
Boy, now I REALLY don't like Clarkson.
Kurt Stutt        [log in to unmask]          Troy, New York
WRPI:  http://www.rpi.edu/dept/union/wrpi/html/home.html
WRPI Sports:  http://www.rpi.edu/~stuttk/wrpispts.html
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