There has been more conspiracy theories on HOCKEY-L of late regarding Maine
and NCAA bids than ever came out about JFK's murder.
I'll tell what Maine has done, and why it is EXTREMELY unlikely they will
receive a bid, and why discussing whether or not they would accept such a
bid is completely ridiculous.
According to Maine Athletic Director Suzanne Tyler, whom I talked to today
regarding this issue, Maine has informed the NCAA through the enforcement
staff that Maine has "removed ourselves from consideration" by the
tournament selection committee.
It should also be noted that Hockey East Commissioner Bob DeGregorio is also
on the NCAA Selection Committee.  Dr. Tyler told me that she has also
informed DeGregorio of Maine's wishes, not to be considered for a NCAA
Tournament bid.
Now, judging from those two facts it would seem virtually impossible that
Maine would receive a bid.  Of course whenever dealing with the NCAA nothing
is ever "certain" but don't preoccupy yourselves with the idea Maine will be
participating because they won't be.  As Wayne said, they didn't spend all
this money on this investigation to pull that.
What maybe is more important to consider however is how the NCAA Selection
Committee will deal with Maine's removing themselves from consideration.
They may not be considered as a "Team Under Consideration (TUC)" by the
committee.  Therefore, all games teams played against Maine this season
would not count in the selection process.  This could have positive and
negative effects for teams across the nation.  Perhaps Erik and/or Tim
should run their programs with Maine, and their games totally out of the
picture since we can't be sure which will be used.
Certainly this is a real issue for teams.  It appears real likely to me that
Maine in fact will be removed from the TUC.  We never are totally sure what
the committee will do, so there is no way of being sure.  This is what Maine
has asked however, to be removed from consideration.  Does the NCAA
Selection Committee read this verbatim or do they infer something else from
this?  That is the real question now.
Deron Treadwell - [log in to unmask]
University of Maine - GO BLUE!  BEAT LOWELL!!
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