I attended the LSSU vs. UVM game on Saturday night.  After reading the
posts about the poor officiating by Cole, I thought I'd offer my own
opinion.  I've seen quite a few hockey games this year (being a St.
Lawrence fan) and I have to say that this game was one of the most
fairly officiated games that I have seen.  There were a few
questionable calls, but that's to be expected (the refs can't see
everything).  The officiating definitely didn't affect the outcome of
the game -- both teams played some excellent hockey, giving the
12,000 plus fans a great show.  I only wish that this officiating crew
could've been at some St. Lawrence games this year (I personally think
Harry Ammian hates SLU).  Congrats to the teams making the final four,
and here's to another great weekend of hockey!
                                              Nathan Mastro
                                              VP-Saints Pep Band
                                              St. Lawrence University
                         O :-)  SAINTS HOCKEY
                         'Twas a good season!
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