> From:           "(No Name)" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:        UML Mayes Injury
> ...he, in fact, *broke his back* on that play, yet he kept on
> playing.  Is this true?  Excuse my ignorance, but how is this
> possible?  How could he have gotten up, skated off the ice, then
> continued to play with a broken back?!?...
He could, and it might have been painful, like playing with a broken
rib.  Some people live and play sports the rest of their lives with
"broken backs," an example of which is when a fracture occurs across
a little isthmus of bone that helps prevent one vertebra from sliding
forward relative to the one below it.  You can have this fracture,
maybe have a strong stomach, and play sports with little pain.  Or a
lot of pain.  Or have a big stomach and have no pain.  Or a lot of
pain.  Get the picture?
Andrew Rapoff
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