Doug Woog has never taught a class here at the U.
Bill Butters taught a class on "Ice Hockey Coaching" once.
I know, as I took that class. To my knowledge, Bill never
taught the on-ice, Ice Hockey class. It definitely would
have taken too much of his time.
In the Ice Hockey Coaching class that I took, there were
two Gophers in the class (now out of eligibility and gone)
which made it interesting for some of the class participants.
Whenever we were on the ice for a scrimmage, or to learn
certain systems that were better demonstrated on the ice...
I used to make the "team" I was on, that had one of the
Gophers, skate without me. He was so fast, it did them
good to have the handicap! :-)
And, as some of you know, I do work in the Registrar's
office here at the U. It is definitely NOT public information
what classes students are taking.
GO Gophers!!!
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