I totally agree with Jim Evans' assessment of the ridiculous call against
UMD's Rick Mrozik.  Anyone who watches WCHA hockey knows this type of
scuffle in front of the net occurs many times in every game.  Usually a
couple roughing minors are given and that's it.  This incident was no
different than any other - yet the refs decided to dish out a DQ to
Mrozik.  If I'm correct this is his second DQ so he is out for 3 games.
His first DQ was for leaving the bench during a scuffle against Tech
earlier this year.  So, UMD's best defensemen has two DQ's without
actually ever fighting.  Say he gets jumped some game and actually does
throw a punch for protection - he would be DQ'd for the season.  Is this
The worse thing about these so-called fighting penalties this year in
the WCHA is the inconsistency by the refs.  What defines a fighting DQ?
I remember at the beginning of the year the rule stated something like
"if you throw a punch, you will be DQ'd".  How often is this the case?
Very rarely.  Ask 10 different WCHA followers what actually gets a
person DQ'd and they'd probably have 10 different answers.
If this rule was enforced as it was stated,  Mrozik should have been
DQ'd.  BUT, this type of infraction occurs many times in every game!!!
Everytime the goalie covers up the puck there is usually a little pushing
going on in front of him.  Often a couple small jabs are exchanged
among players and they get minors.  The incident between Mrozik and
Larson was no different than any other.
Why should WCHA create a rule like this and then not enforce it
consistently?  It seems the new "fighting" rule changes all the time
depending on the game situation, the arena, the teams, the coaches, etc.
Had this call occured at Mariucci against a Crowley or Trebil, the roof
would have came down - the fans would have went absolutely bezerk.  Yet
it occured against a road team from a small school, so it goes unnoticed
by most.
In addition to the many incidents pointed out by Jim Evans that were
not called, there was another extremely blatent one:  a slash by UM's Dan
Trebil broke 3 bones in the hand of UMD forward Chet Culic in Friday's
game. No call was made.
I have a hard time believing all WCHA teams are getting a fair shake in
this league.
Paul Thalacker
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