Taras Lendzyk beat the University of North Dakota last night 3-1 in an important
WCHA game.  The fourth place Bulldogs were outshot 43-28 (I think that was UMD's
total) but Taras Lendzyk made save after amazing save.  There was an empty
netter, so this game was a little closer than the score.  UMD got luck to get
their 18th win of the year.  A power outage in Duluth delayed the game about
5-10 minutes after the Dogs and Sioux warmed up under dim emergency lighting.
Pretty interesting.  Same two teams at the DECC tonight at 7:05CDT.
Anthony J. Frolik                            University of Minnesota Duluth
Go Bulldogs!                                  14-10-1 WCHA, 18-10-1 Overall
            My views are not representative of the University.
               Home Page:  http://www.d.umn.edu:80/~afrolik/
        PFFL Home Page:  http://www.d.umn.edu:80/~afrolik/pffl.html
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