The Merrimack College Board of Trustees have approved a 25million dollar
Capital Campaign to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the founding of
the college in 1997. The majority of the funds raised will be used for the
construction of a new Campus Center. The Center will dramatically expand and
improve the athletic, cultural, educational and social  facilities available
to the college community. The Center will include a multi-purpose arena with
an olympic size rink, varsity locker rooms for all sports, aerobic and
exercise facilities, instructional space for sports medicine program as well
as physical & occupational degree programs, field house, Hall of Fame room
with banquest facilities, college dining halls, gymnasium with TV & Radio
production facilities, Cultural Center with Theatre and art gallery, retail
and  worship space. The College's Athletic Director also announced that
Sasaki Associates who designed the Whittemore Center at UNH had been
retained for the project.
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