In response to the recent post from a Minnesota Hockey-Ler politely
correcting another "poster" who referrred to *women's* hockey as
*girls* hockey........
Looks like from Pam Sweeny's post of that Minnesota Daily article announcing
varsity women's hockey, that "the Woogster" also needs to be be politically
corrected....he referred to the upcoming program as *girls* 2 or 3 times.
No offense to our women hockey-Lers, but I think the tendency to refer to them
as girls stems from most women hockey players coming from, or excelling in
high school, where the press and schools refer to them as *boys* and *girls*
then, 6 months later, those same women are now *women* hockey players instead
of girls....granted no one seems to "trip" making the transition from calling
high school boys "men" 1 year later either; hmmmmm.
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