On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Howard M. Quimby wrote:
> The fact
> that the discussion quickly moved toward determining how to judge each league,
> and away from which league is better, leads me to think that alot people have
> it in their minds that Hockey East just might be "the best" from top to bottom
> (using their individual criteria for "best").
Not necessarily.
Only that the criteria for which league is "best" is something we can
rationally discuss.  Once you delve into "my league is better"
discussions, no one even listens any more.
I also think that people know that this is a pointless discussion-- a
question which has been brought up before, and will probably resurface
again, and hopefully die becuase it will never be answered until each
division one team plays every other division one team 3 times.  This will
greatly reduce the chances of a spilt.  At this point you ALMOST have a
chance of settling the argument, but even then...
So, let's keep doing what we've been doing:  ignoring the announcers
which say that their conference is the best, only advertising that they
haven't seen anyone else play.
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