>>>>> " " == Deron Treadwell <[log in to unmask]> writes:
 > It was definately the fact that the game wasn't that
 > interesting.. *smile*.
Yeah, I didn't care one whit! ;-)
 > I think it's a lot of things.  I don't know
 > if the game was blackout in Michigan, perhaps it should have been
 > TV wise (not so much by my opinion, but could have been a reason
 > for poor attendence).
It was *not* blacked out, and that might be a contributing factor for
poor attendance.  Why would anyone drive way out to Auburn Hills from
Ann Arbor when they could watch it on their local cable?
 > Perhaps many people lost some interest when Michigan lost to Western?
Nah, that was a fluke, and us true-blue-ers know it. ;-)
 > I personally can't talk about a drive,
 > because I have no idea about Michigan, never having been there in
 > my life.
You should come visit!  The northern and western parts of the state
are especially beautiful.
> It could also be that it's World Series time.
Baseball over hockey?  Not on your life!
 > I also agree with whomever said
 > that Michigan's team defense won the game, having mulled over the
 > loss for a day, I would concur with that statement as well.  ---
Yep, UM's offense isn't really clicking yet.  Getting Brendan Morrison
back should help.
-Alan Harder
 [log in to unmask]
 Go Blue!
The above commentary, which does not *even* represent the opinion of
the American Mathematical Society, is sold by weight, not by volume.
Some settling of the contents may have occurred during shipping.
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