After all I have seen, I guess it's my turn.
1(Tie). Minnesota
1(Tie). CC         (O.K., so I can't make a decision)
3. Minnesota Duluth
4. Denver
5. Wisconsin
6. Michigan Tech
7. Northern Michigan
8. North Dakota
9. UAA
10. SCSU
I have seen UMD from 5th to 9th.  They finished just a game out of fifth last
year, and are returning the top three guys (Federenko, Ciccarello and Peluso),
and a goalie who has started since being a freshman.  They were the hottest team
in the league after January.  The way it looks, there are going to be a lot of
surprised people.
Minnesota and CC will fight it out.  My sentimental pick is Minnesota, but CC is
another team with a good returning base.
Denver and Wisconsin could be either way, as could 6-8.
Alaska Anchorage #9, you say?  Well, after my experiences with Saint Clod the
previous two years, I had to give UAA the nod.
I am wondering, however, about the comment that SCSU is a Division one program
at a Div II school.  Until just a few years ago (2, I believe) UMD was a D-I
hockey program at a NAIA school.  I am not sure of the significance of the rest
of the sports being Div-II.  Does that make the hockey team worse?  I would
argue against that, UMD has 3 Hobey winners, 3 league championships, a 2nd and a
3rd at the NCAAs, all in the last 12 seasons.
Oh well, just my $0.02
Tony Frolik
Anthony J. Frolik                            University of Minnesota Duluth
Go Bulldogs!                                      0-0-0 WCHA, 0-0-0 Overall
            My views are not representative of the University.
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