Hi all,
I would just like to add to Mike Machnik's note he sent out late this
morning......having been around the BU program and Hockey East for the last
ten years, I have seen many people who are anti-BU.......I for one, have
been in the past, just because I'm an NU alumnus and was just sick and tired
of them winning......however, in a situation like this, it's not about
BU.....it's about college hockey.....and more importantly, it's about the
kids that play college hockey...
People, who know nothing about our sport, will make the usual stupid
comments about what a violent sport ours is.....and we'll be able to deal
with crap.....but I just wanted to say that my prayers go out to Travis, his
family and the BU family......outside of winning hockey games, the program
has not had much luck over the last few years......with the JP incident and
the deaths of Kevin and Carl.......it's just been unlucky, not just for the
BU program, but for all college hockey fans.......
Just when you thought that the JP McKersie issue was put to rest and life
would go on with BU raising the banner and the games getting back underway
leading up to the 7th annual BARKAN BASH in Cincy......we're reminded of
what's really important and why we love OUR sport.........the kids.......
They are the ones that give us our joy, our titles, our fun and our passion
for college hockey.......please remember to give back to them..........right
now, please give your prayers to Travis.......he's one of our boys.......but
then again they all are......
Hope all of you keep these thoughts,
Yours in the college hockey bond,
Jon Barkan
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