Thanks to Karen Heasley for posting summaries of the Bronze and Gold games.
 I attended the entire festival, but could not stay for the Gold game.
Throughout the Festival the four teams were extremely well balanced from a
talent standpoint. Virtually all of the games played during the festival were
decided by one goal and the outcomes were in doubt until the final minute.
In addition to trying to win a medal, there was another competition going on.
 All of the players who were 20 and older (40 players) were being considered
to play on the USA Team which I believe will be playing a European team later
this summer.  Last night, those who made the team were told.  Unfortunately I
do not know who made it.  The players who were under 20 were being considered
to be invited to the U.S. Junior Camp in Lake Placid. At this camp the U.S.
Junior team will be selected to play in the World Junior Championships in
Mass. at Christmas time.  Thos players who were invited to the camp were also
told last night.  I don't know the names of all players chosen, but I do know
a few.  Anyone who has an interest in any particular player can e-mail me and
I might know whether they were chosen.
Jack Berenzweig