I have nothing against former college athletes coming back to
play in scrimmages, but let's get real about this "alumni" game
Last weekend the University of Maine held its annual "alumni"
game. The problem was, five of the players who participated
had not graduated from Maine. So what's the deal with calling
it an alumni game?
Peter and Chris Ferraro played two seasons at Maine before
turning pro. They have not graduated from Maine. Ditto with
Paul Kariya. In fact, none of these three will ever graduate
from Maine, I think.
I think Jean-Yves Roy and Mike Dunham also fall into the above
If a school is going to have an alumni game, it should truly
have an alumni game. If a school is not going to have an alumni
game, then it should name its scrimmage something else. At the
very least, the athletes should be college graduates. They
should have to earn the right to take part in such a contest.
If this means the Kariyas of the world have to wait another two
to three years, then that's the way it is.
Ryan Robbins               "Nothing in fine print is ever good news."
University of Maine                                  -- Andy Rooney
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