My first question upon seeing the "Silent Concerts" story was "Where's
the byline"?  There is none.  Nobody at the paper wants to take credit
for writing a subjective news story based on comments from "insiders",
none of whom are named.
That's the shoddiest journalism I've seen yet in relation to college
hockey.  Obviously,  Peter Karmanos has someone's ear at the paper and
they are too lazy to try and find out the other side of the story.
I believe there is more to this than the paper wants to report and agree
with John that the CCHA couldn't have pressured this eviction (especially
if the Jr. Wings were making money).
Karmanos (or people within his org.) wants to create some kind of war
between Jr. hockey and college hockey.  That's become obvious through his
increasing pot-shots through the last three years.
As an aside,  nobody else in the OHL understands why Karmanos wants to
split a building with the Vipers (Palace) or Red Wings.  Why not move to
Saginaw or Flint and get a solid market where you are the only game in
town?  Egos are amazing.