Hi !!
On Mon, 17 Jul 1995, Wayne Smith wrote:
> Katie asked about hours for the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto ...
> Jim Love recently gave us the general information number: (416) 360-7765.
  They have also recently opened a web site as well.  I don't recall the
URL off-hand, but a search (using whichever engine you prefer) on "Toronto"
will uncover the proper link.
  As I mentioned earlier, the HoF compilation disc of hockey-related songs
is a real treat, and sports a snazzy picture disc to boot.  If, like me,
you're thinking wistfully of the frozen coolness of the Volpe Complex as
an antidote to the oppressive heat, this CD will do the trick :-)
  Highly recommended - and it makes a great gift for the hockey fans on
your list (no, I don't work for, nor in any way am affiliated with the HoF).
  Cheers from the Chesapeake - Jim