I can see that old potentially explosive thread beginning to emerge
once again,  so I'd like to make a suggestion.   Rather than argue about
the relative admissions selectivity of the schools in various conferences
with no supporting data,  why don't those of us who feel passionately
about the subject compile some data and present it?
        As much as I dislike the college boards,  the average board scores for
incoming freshmen are a matter of public record and are published in all the
guides to American colleges.   That's a good place to start.   And some
measure of research dollars per faculty member might be another (cringe).
        I personally don't give a darn about this subject,  but I'm a little
tired of seeing the debate framed in "Did TOO  ...  did NOT"  terms:-)
        From steamy Schenectady,
        -- Dick Tuthill