Vic said..
>I'm trying to locate some Hockey Related Lists that were
>mentioned on Hockey-L.
>They are:       Hockey-Goalie majordomo
>           and  Minor Hockey List (New)
>           also any other Hockey Related Lists
Have you looked at the FAQ?  To obtain the 2 parts of
this FAQ, send mail to [log in to unmask] and in the body enter
   get rsh1 faq
   get rsh2 faq
Since each is quite large, you might want to send the "get" commands in
2 separate mail files.  ("rsh2 faq" has mailing list info).
Wayne Smith
The College Hockey Discussion List administrator
Systems Group - CAPS              BITNET/CREN:  wts@maine
University of Maine System        internet:     [log in to unmask]
+------------------------Clip and save---------------------------------+
Use the GET HOCKEY-L FILELIST command to obtain a listing of all
available HOCKEY-L related files, including standings, schedules, team
info, back postings and more.
For more information, send the command HELP to [log in to unmask]
+------------------------Clip and save---------------------------------+