I received my 9 June issue of _The Hockey News_ on Wednesday and I
have meant to post this before now, but work on my BU Hockey web site
as occudpied my attention.
The Bill Masterton Memorual Trophy is given to the player who best
exemplifies the qualities of perserverance, sportsmanship and
dedication to hockey.  Members of the Professional Hockey Writer's
Association nominate one player from each NHL as finalists for the
This year three former Boston University Terriers were nominated for
the award:  Mike Sullivan, Calgary Flames; John Cullen, Pittsburgh
Penguin; and Scott Young, Quebec Nordiques.
I am thrilled that the writer's have recognized three former Terriers
for this award.  I personally think all three should win and hope
that one of them does.
The winner will be announced at the NHL Awards Ceremony on 6 July.
Sean Pickett
Go Boston University Terriers
1995 NCAA, Hockey East and Beanpot Champions
BU Hockey:  http://www.tiac.net/users/spickett/hockey.html
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