> I guess this is the way I look at it: UML may be officially listed as
> UMass-Lowell, but I will still often call them Lowell.  UMA may be
> officially listed as UMass-Amherst, but I will still often call them
> UMass.  Since info about the league will reach people who in many
> cases are not too familiar with the schools, it is probably best to
> make sure they know for certain who is who.
Hi Folks,
        Mike raises a good point here. As a University of Lowell grad and
former radio announcer for Lowell, I go to tons of Lowell games and don't
ever hear anyone saying "Go U-Mass-Lowell". In fact, it's always "Let's
go Lowell", even from the cheerleaders.
        As an aside, I don't think most alumns would call it Umass-Lowell
anyways as I can remember how terribly disappointed most of the students
were when we found out we were getting sucked into the U-Mass money hole,
but that's a political debate and not for discussion here.
        Now on to hockey talk: What is the official word on Greg Bullock?
Did he head for the pros? Based on last season, I'd say it was clear he
had the raw skills to do it, but was far too immature to be ready for it.
Opinions there?
        Anyone have Dwayne Roloson's final minor league stats for the year?
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