Hi All...
I noticed that there is a Junior Hockey list referenced in the HOCKEY-L FAQ,
but none of my attempts to subscribe have succeeded. The listserve address
is stated to be "[log in to unmask]", but my subscription request is
rejected due to the fact that this is an "unknown user". Does this list
still exist or has it simply moved? In either case, the change should be
reflected in the HOCKEY-L FAQ.
Regarding Junior hockey, are there any Internet resources that deal with
Junior hockey? I would appreciate any (an all) Junior-related information.
My son is currenlty making the tryout rounds so I am quite interested in
seeing what's happening at that level.
<<<an interested hockey parent>>>
                           .|                            .
     Jim Smith            / |  612.786.4081 Phone        |\      .
   ____________________./`  |  612.783.8276 Fax         O'       |\
  '.___________________     |  [log in to unmask]         .   O'
 !!  .=========.  |    `\   |                               |\
 !! | =======.  | |      `\ |  ...e la nave va...          O'
  \\ `======= O.|-|        `|
                 |  |   | Bass Trombones _Slide_ Rule! /|