Many thanks to Jayson Moy for finally getting the frosh hockey player's
names for RPI! Many of us alums were sitting here with baited breath and
ulcers wondering if the program was going to take a dive!
Anyone out there have any comments on the new players, either academically
or athletically?
On the subject of scholarships, what will happen to the other five players
at RPI, for example?  Will they never have a chance for an athl
scholarship?  Or will they have a shot at one next year depending?  If so,
depending on what?  And an RPI specific question, perhaps for Jayson or
someone on campus if they are done with finals:  can you list next year's
team scholarship people by class, i.e. number of scholarships with
seniors, juniors, sophs, etc?  I was under the impression that one class,
I think the sophs, had almost zero scholarships.  So that if lots of
scholarship players leave next year, could one of the incoming
non-scholarship people take the remaining three years on scholarship?
Thanks for any info!
Tony Buffa
RPI '64