It is good to see FOX's ratings are up.
This, however, in my opinion, is not going to lead to more national college
hockey coverage any time soon.  ESPN2 might be interested in college hockey
to help fill its programming, but that might be the extent of the coverage.
Other outlets such as the regional SportsChannels and Prime Sports stations,
but nothing significantly more.
This whole prediction is based on a short term basis.  Who knows, hockey might
continue this boom at this rapid pace...
One factor that might hinder the possibility of national coverage is the move
towards using pro players in the Olympics.  The focus will no longer be on
a youngster in a college hockey program, but rather on a Brett Hull or Kevin
Stevens.  Sad, but true.  (besides, on the whole most people would take seeing
a Kevin Stevens over some kid from Minnesota--who wouldnt?)
my $ .02.