On Thu, 4 May 1995, Mike Machnik wrote:
> Jim Ogonowski writes:
> >I think the year was 1990, when Boston College played Minnesota in the NC$$
> >tourney at Boston College. The entire Gopher team was from Minnesota and the
> >entire Boston College team was from Massachusetts.( as a side note BC is not
> >a state school)
> >Both teams and both states should be proud.
> Off the top of my head, at least two players on that BC team were from
> out of state...David Emma (RI) and Scott LaGrand (NY).
> >Because BC couldn't "win it all" they have changed their recruiting habits,
> >which has led to an increase in "out of staters" on the team.  BC has not
> >seen much success lately.
I believe that the unusual thing about that game was that both teams
were comprised entirely of American players.  I don't know if that will
ever happen again in NCAA tournament play. Since American players are
doing quite well in College hockey (witness BU), I don't think there is
a need (any longer)or benefit in schools seeking only Americans. (What
Minnesota does is for its own good.)  That's why I doubt we'll ever see
another game like the above.
Gary Hatfield
RAH! for the U of M!"