Thanks to all for the correction.  Telander wrote "100 Yard
Lie," not Yaeger.  I was thinking a football book, and that's the
title that popped into my mind.  That's what I get for relying on my
memory instead of waiting till I got home to check...  :-(
However, if I can substitute "Golden Dome"  I'll stand by my
original comments!
Having had to defend the NCAA again [sigh], though, I can certainly
agree that hockey often has a tough time at the annual legislative
convention.  I think this is due in part to the relatively small
number of major universities with hockey programs, plus the fact
that none of the major conferences formally sponsor hockey.  I
suspect that if, for example, the Big 10, Pac 10, Atlantic 10, SEC,
and Big East all sponsored hockey championships, the sport would
have much more clout at the NCAA convention.  As it is, if there's a
Division I vote on an issue with implications for hockey, there's not
necessarily enough voting strength from hockey schools to affect the
outcome.  The only allowance afforded by the NCAA to this is a bylaw
(20.7.3) which permits Div. II and III schools with Div. I hockey
programs to vote on Div. I "legislative issues that pertain ONLY to
ice hockey." (emphasis mine)
Dr. Stephen E. Roth                [log in to unmask]
Dean of Student Services
Canisius College                            (716) 888-2522
Buffalo, New York 14226                 FAX (716) 888-3190