I've found an easier, on-line method to writing to ESPN (talk about beating
a dead horse!).
ESPN's web page (http://espnet.sportszone.com) has several links within
the site to read various articles about every sport except (you guessed
it) college hockey. So, in my browsing, I found a place where letters may
be sent electronically. Of course, I can't remember the exact path, but
on one of the pages, the link simply says: "Letters to ESPN". Click on
that and a template pops up where you fill out your name, email address,
and city & state. The body portion comes after that. After your letter,
you click on a box that says: "Send letter." Naturally, I have no idea
where it went. I figured that I'd received some sort of form email letter
in return, but nothing yet.
Anyway, this was just FYI. It's probably also for the lazy soul who would
rather send an email message than writing a snail-mail letter (like myself).
+  Andy Weise                 Let's Go Tech!!     [log in to unmask]  +
=  SUNY Potsdam '93                                                       =
+  Union College '95?         Let's Go U!!        [log in to unmask] +
=  Performance Systems International (PSI)                                =
+   -------------------------------------------------------------------   +
=   "Instant gratification takes too long."   -- Carrie Fisher            =