Fellow Hockey-L'ers -
        PLEASE feel free to forward this announcement to any
        other lists, usenet newsgroups, or local redistributions
        you may know of.  The larger the audience, the better the
        final product will be.
        (Just remove the lines marked with '>', please.)
        Thanks for your help in advance...Karl
        Since you have to have a target market to be able to
        successfully promote a product, I am announcing the
        formation of the "Youth Hockey Discussion List".
        The list (to borrow a phrase) will be dedicated to the
        discussion of youth ice hockey primarily in the US and
        Canada.  Youth Hockey is defined as any age level currently
        sanctioned by USA Hockey and the CHA.  This includes all
        ages from 3 thru the Olympics and World Championships.
>       (Hockey-L members may be interested around this aspect
>       of the list, as many of the players in these events are
>       of college age.)
        The accent will be on the amateur section of the ice
        hockey world.  This list is not intended to replace any
        existing list (as the ones that are already in existence
        do an excellent job of serving their specific audiences).
        My short-term goal is to collect subscribers for the
        list.  I will then use that list of subscribers to try
        and persuade the national sanctioning organizations
        (USA Hockey and CHA) to help support this operation.
        To be a Charter Subscriber, please e-mail the following
        to [log in to unmask]:
        >"Subscribe Youth Hockey"
        >Internet Address
        >First and Last Name
        >City and State (or Province)
        ># of family members in Youth Hockey (None is OK!)
                (i.e. Player, Coach, Official)
        I will give an updates on the progress of this list as I
        am able to announce any.
        Karl Schmidt
        Saratoga Springs, NY