Mike Breitner asked:
>Sorry to ask a "dumb" question, but what is the rationale/history
>behind this rule.  There must be some reason for not allowing
>individual programs within a school to be classified as I, II, or III
>rather than classifying the school as a whole.
It's not a dumb question.  At the risk of giving a simplified answer
to a complex issue:  the rationale has nothing to do with hockey
(though obviously it has a significant impact on hockey), but has
everything to do with the BIG TWO revenue sports:  football &
basketball.  The philosophy & rules are intended to prevent Div. I
schools from focusing all of their resources on just one or both of
these sports; and also to prevent non-Div. I schools from "cashing
in" on the $$$ associated with the big-time, revenue-producing
venues.  In this sense, ice hockey is not considered by the NCAA as
a major, revenue-producing sport.
Dr. Stephen E. Roth                [log in to unmask]
Dean of Student Services
Canisius College                            (716) 888-2522
Buffalo, New York 14226                 FAX (716) 888-3190