Bill Rogina <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>To all Hockey-L subscribers:
>What is your opinion of the FOX's open with all of the fire and explosions?
I missed the opening, but I do like the scoring robots.  I'd watch every
week, but we don't have a TV.  Here in Madison we got to see the Blackhawks
both weeks, and I will admit to pulling for the 'Hawks. (they've got Suter
and Chellios as a D-pair what else do I need to say.  On Wis!  They even
mentioned this in a graphic.)
The games were shot and called well by the Fox crew who didn't waste too
much time *explaining hockey*, except the major penalty thing. (which I did
not realize 'til this year, I hadn't seen any scoreing on the few majors in
my  first four years of hockey.)
Wish I could see more.  I'll sure miss college hockey next season.  Goin'
to Oklahoma, does this mean I'll need to be a Stars fan or at least watch
'em to see some games?
UW '95, Oklahoma '00??
how ironic, I was just thinking today of relearning to skate and maybe play
some IM next year, I hope they have a student accessable rink at OU.  Of
course that was my plan for last winter until I racked up my foot in