Regarding the RPI ECAC Championship banner,
Steve Weisfeldt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>[Ducking] Of course, there are some of us who think this banner should
>read, "ECAC _Tournament_ Championship", not "ECAC Championship"!
You should duck on that one.  RPI won the ECAC Championship because they =
won the tournament.  Finishing first in the regular season may make you =
the winner of something, but you aren't the ECAC Champions.
Look at the NHL.  If you have the best overall record, you get something =
called the President's Trophy, which no one has ever confused with the =
Stanley Cup.
I graduated from RPI, but that doesn't matter in this discussion at all.  =
If Princeton had beaten RPI in the ECAC Championship game, then I would be =
saying that Princeton is the ECAC Champions.
Dave Aiello
J.P. Morgan & Company, Inc.