Someone asked about multiple rinks at schools, so I thought I'd mention
that Wisconsin has two: the Dane, where the games are played, and the
'shell', next to the football stadium.  From the sounds of it, the new
field house that is in the works (the so-called "Kohl"-iseum after our
wealthy senator and benefactor) will have hockey facilities, making for
three rinks.
I'm pleased to hear that Minnesota's women's team may be moving up to
varsity in the coming years.  It would be a real shame if they didn't have
a varsity Wisconsin team to play....  Based on the response to the UW
women's basketball team this year (sold out games), I'd hazard they might
even stand to make some money on it. This _is_ hockey country, after
Puck em up Jim Carey!
===== john nash == [log in to unmask] =====