There were a few posts over the course of the season where
        people were looking to buy jerseys from their favorite
        (or, possibly, not-so-favorite) team.
        Found this source yesterday in Hockey Ink!, a minor pro-
        oriented paper...
        Breakaway Sports, located in California (800-434-2256)
        claims to have jerseys from:
        HE, WCHA, AHL, RHI, WHA, NHL, IHL, ECHL, and C(olonial?)HL.
        Sounds like quite a selection!  The ad did state that they
        did NOT carry game-quality jerseys from all leagues.
        ...just got off the phone with them and they carry WCHA in
        HOME only, and HE all home, Maine & BC away.  Price (I think)
        was under $50.