On Tue, 18 Apr 1995, Tony Buffa wrote:
> >     Geiger said OSU is ready to pay the going rate for a top-level
> > college hockey coach, which may be about $80,000 a year. Jerry
> > Welsh, who resigned in February, earned $43,000 this year, which
> > ranked him among the lowest-paid Division I coaches.
> >
> =================
> At my home institution, we hire new PHD's at under 35K per year (almost
> poverty in Calif, and certainly almost never get married people at that
> level) ... people who have been thru 4 years of undergrad and up to 10 of
> grad and postdocs..... our max salary (attained after about 20 years if
> you are kept) is 61K.  And we are getting raked over the coals for not
> being able to attract minority faculty .... !
> What a hypocritical arena
> DI athletics has become. The presidents OK six figure salaries for
> athletic directors and coaches, and let the faculty recruiting go to hell.
>  One of these days, it will all come home to roost.
> Tony Buffa
> RPI '64
> U of Illinois '66
> U of Illinois '69
> Physics Dept, Cal Poly, SLO
Supply and demand.  When there are too few PhD's and too many hockey
coaches, the salaries will change.