Indiana might not be a hotbed for hockey talent per say, but they
have produced their fair share of talent. Jacques Joubert (South Bend, IN),
one of the leading scorers, and captain of the national champion Terriers leaps
right to the front of my mind. Notre Dame has a pair of Hoosiers, and I'm
sure there are others out there that I'm unaware of. Hockey in that neck
of the woods isn't too unheard of. I played Prep School hockey with
someone from Louisville, Kentucky and he said that although it isn't the
most popular sport, that it is alive there.
        FYI: 76% of Americans in the NHL hail from the three "major" US
Hockey hotbeds, Massachusetts, Michigan and Minnesota. That still leavs
24% for other states. I don't know off the top of my head, but it
wouldn't be completely unbelievable if one was a Hoosier.
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