As a member of the Maine Hockey Blue Line Club, a student cheering section
at UMaine home games, I think Joubert's comment was a bit unfortunate.
I watched a BU team literally dominate the game against Maine, not with
brute force, as can tend to happen when these two teams meet, but with style
and grace, and a lot of class. I think Joubert's comment put a slight damper
on the situation, but I don't think it detroyed the whole moment. I think both
schools should be glad we get to play each other at least three times a year,
continuing one of college hockey's greatest rivalries. I also think both teams
and their respective schools should treat each other with respect. This isn't
like the Lakers-Celtics or Red Sox-Yankees rivalry, where the teams have
serious problems even getting around in the other guy's city. These have been
hockey's top two programs over the past four years, (well, '94 was a bit hard
on Maine), as far as record is concerned, and both teams are fighting to gain
their share of the limelight. This should be good for college hockey. But to
be good for the game, the hatred should end. Poking fun at opposing teams
is one thing, but I'll even admit, holding up a poster displaying the works
"Jack Parker Must Die!" is a bit extreme. One thing I think Jacques Joubert
should remember is that most schools get away with far worse than Maine did,
and only get one or two years' probation. I think Joubert should remember
what his team will be raising to the ceiling (no rafters here) of Walter Brown
Arena next fall. I commend his team for showing class during the game. I think
he, his teammates, the Maine hockey team, and the Maine fans like me, should
remember to show some class and respect for one another. I'm guilty of trashing
the Terriers, but I think it's time I burried the hatchet. I hope everyone else
can do the same.