Univ. of Michigan WWW Ice Hockey Pages
Don't know whether these were listed anywhere or not. I know one of the hockey
pages I saw had the second one in it's list.
(put out by the athletic department. has links to other U of M sports)
And the question.. Probably lame since first attempt at non-lurking.. :}
While watching some NHL game the other day I noticed the fans were semi-tame.
Sure they screamed and clapped by in a nice unorganized sort of way.
Well in thinking back to the national championship game I recalled that when
players scuffled in the corners for the puck that the people in the first row of
the stands would lean forward and pound on the glass. I know people can't do
that at the USAir Arena during Capitals games and don't recall people doing it
while at UofM games.. so just wondering if this is a common occurance elsewhere?
and I would guess the fans are just doing it to somehow mess with the players
yeah. semi-lame question I suppose. will work on better ones for future. :)
Tanx in advance for replies.
Greg Bryden
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