On Fri, 7 Apr 1995, JEFF WEISS wrote:
> >From the 1994-95 NHL Guide & Record Book --
> and a few minor league releases -- this list is by no means complete -
just a > starting point.
> Brett Abel      New Hampshire       Columbus
> Mike Bales      Ohio State          Ottawa/PEI
> Ed Belfour      North Dakota        Chicago
> John Blue       Minnesota           Boston/Providence
> Craig Brown     Western Michigan    Nashville
> Jim Carey       Wisconsin           Washington/Portland
> Jon Casey       North Dakota        St. Louis
> Wayne Cowley    Colgate             Worcester
> Jason Currie    Clarkson            ???
> Matt DelGuidice Maine               Atlanta/Nashville
> Duane Derksen   Wisconsin           Richmond
> Tom Draper      Vermont             Minnesota Moose
> Parris Duffus   Cornell             Peoria
> Mike Dunham     Maine               Albany
> Aaron Ellis     Bowling Green       Memphis River Kings
> Chad Erickson   Minn.-Duluth        Springfield/Raleigh
> Bob Essensa     Michigan State      San Diego
> Geoff Finch     Brown               Wheeling/Cape Breton
> Norm Foster     Michigan State      Las Vegas/Detroit Vipers
> David Gagnon    Colgate             Minnesota/Roanoke
> Sandy Galuppo   Boston College      Birmingham
> Chris Gordon    Michigan            Worcester/Huntington
> Mike Greenlay   Lake Superior       Hershey/Atlanta
> Glenn Healy     Western Michigan    NY Rangers
> Guy Hebert      Hamilton College    Anaheim
> Jon Hillebrandt Illinois @ Chicago  Charlotte/San Diego
> Jim Hrvinak     Merrimack           Kansas City
> Bill Horn       Western Michigan    Greensboro
> Aaron Israel    Harvard             Hershey/Johnstown
> Curtis Joseph   Wisconsin           St. Louis
> Paul Krake      Alaska Anchorage    Cornwall/Erie
> Les Kuntar      St. Lawrence        Worcester/Hershey
> Blaine Lacher   Lake Superior       Boston
> Scott Lagrand   Boston College      Hershey/Atlanta
> Rob Laurie      Western Michigan    Johnstown/Greensboro
> Jeff Levy       New Hampshire       Huntington
> Neil Little     Rensselaer          Hershey/Johnstown
> David Littman   Boston College      Richmond
> Greg Louder     Notre Dame          Wheeling
> Darrin Madeley  Lake Superior       Ottawa/PEI/Detroit Vipers
> Bob Mason       Minn.-Duluth        Milwaukee
> Mark Michaud    Miami               Birmingham
> Brad Mullahy    Providence          Raleigh
> Jason Muzzatti  Michigan State      Calgary/Saint John
> Tom Newman      Minnesota           Columbus
> Mike O'Neill    Yale                Phoenix
> Frank Pietrangelo   Minnesota       ???
> Daren Puppa     Rensselaer          Tampa Bay
> Bill Pye        Northern Michigan   ???
> Bruce Racine    Northeastern        St. John's
> Jamie Ram       Michigan Tech       Binghamton
> Damian Rhodes   Michigan Tech       Toronto
> Mike Richter    Wisconsin           NY Rangers
> Chris Rogles    Clarkson            Indianapolis
> Dwayne Roloson  Mass.-Lowell        Saint John
> Geoff Sarjeant  Michigan Tech       Peoria
> Corwin Saurdiff Northern Michigan   Kansas City/Hampton Roads
> Bryan Schoen    Denver              ???
> Steve Shields   Michigan            Rochester/S. Carolina
> Rich Shulmistra Miami               Cornwall
> Garth Snow      Maine               Quebec/Cornwall
> Christian Soucy Vermont             Indianapolis
> Robb Stauber    Minnesota           Buffalo/Los Angeles
> Jeff Stolp      Minnesota           Dayton
> Chris Terreri   Providence          New Jersey
> Adam Thompson   Lake Superior       Memphis/San Antonio
> Mike Williams   Ferris State        San Antonio
you might want to include Tom Cole  Northeastern      Utica/Worcester