In regards to the speculation of D II jumping up to the next level, one
has to include Mercyhurst College, the D II Runners Up. They used to schedule
Kent State for th efirst weekend of the season and usually came away with a
spilt. I have heard rumors, strong rumors at that, that the administration and
the hockey staff want to make the jump. In fact according to a teacher, the
players are talking about next season, however I think that is too soon. MAybe
the one of that. I guess that the engineers that built the rink have been
around looking for ways to add seating adn expand the facility, which is only
a few years old.
I have also heard, through a potential recruit, that RIT maybe looking to
make the jump to D-I also but that is strictly a rumor. MAybe Chris can add
some input to that .
-=----------------Nathan Bennett
#4 West Virginia Univ./St. Bonaventure next season