> From: IN%"[log in to unmask]"     6-APR-1995 15:18
> Here at Penn State, there has been some talk about hockey becoming a
> varsity program with no scholarships.  It would still be a big outlay of
> cash by the university for travel, equipment, etc.  The booster club
> pays for most of that now.  The school foots the bill for ice time, the
> coach and that's about it; who knows if they're willing to take on the
> additional expense.
Well, that's more than they did when I was at Penn State.  Back then, 78-80,
the regular football practice field was torn up (for construction, I
believe) and Paterno needed a place for the football team to practice for the
upcoming bowl game.  So, there went the indoor ice skating rink.  A small
outside rink was set up if I remember correctly.
SLU '77
PSU '80