On April 5, Leigh Torbin wrote:
>       So if my count is right, Brown will play 11 home games next year and
>>19 on the road? Is it just me or is this a little disproportioned.  I
>understand >UNH's desire to play mostly away games this year, but Brown has a
>nice rink >to call home.  Why don't they do just that once in a while?
        Actually, Brown is slated for 11 home games, 18 road games and one
pre-season exhibition home game.  But you are right, Meehan Auditorium*is*
a super venue and this *is* a somewhat disproportioned schedule.  My best
guess is that what you see is the result of the following factors:
                a) Because Merrimack and Northeastern are back on the Brown
schedule after a hiatus, and since these games will be played during the
student recess, it was not viewed as critical to have the games played at
home.  (I am presuming that these were two-game contracts which will have
both the Warriors and Huskies at Meehan in 1996-97).
                b) With reference to the Providence College and
UMass-Lowell games, since these are continuing series, with last season's
games having been played at Meehan Auditorium, next season calls for both
these games to be on the road.
                c) As for the Maine contest, this may well represent an
invitation from Maine to play in one of their few (maybe only) 1995-96
game(s) at the Portland Civic Center (I believe Harvard was their opponent
in a similar match-up in Portland last season)  and is probably a single
game contract on Maine's terms.
                d) That leaves the two-game set with the Air Force Academy,
and I am reasonably sure that because Brown will be foregoing the holiday
tournament circuit for this one year, Coach Bob Gaudet wanted to have an
intersectional trip on the slate for both returning/recruited player
interest as well as Colorado alumni exposure (the Bears had substantial
alumni support in Denver last winter during their appearance in the Denver
Cup Tournament).  This contract will likely have Air Force travel to Meehan
for two games in 1996-97.
        Feel free to explode any of these theories, and it goes without
saying that when Brown publishes its 1996-97 schedule it will reflect a
preponderance of home games.  It would just be nice to have a bit more home
game balance so that we would not end up with either a feast or a famine.
Bill Corrigan