On Wed, 5 Apr 1995, Chuck Sackett wrote:
> On a slightly different goalie topic. . . .what does the emergence of Tom
> Noble at BU mean for J.P. McKersie next year?  How is his rehab coming along
> and does coach Parker still expect that McKersie will be able to return to
> the nets?  If he does, and if he were able to perform at or near his former
> level, would BU be looking at a rotating goalie system again?
BU uses a rotation system, it seems, more often than not.  If McKersie is
able to play one should expect a rotation as Parker has always been
comfortable with that system, and without having the inside scoop, at
least publicly BU goalies have always seemed very supportive of one another.
Arthur Berman  [log in to unmask]