In article <[log in to unmask]>, Charlie Shub
<[log in to unmask]> says:
>the issue apparently is inconsistency on the part of ESPN
>If ESPN were consistent, it would
>have kept the hockey on until it was over instead of switching to
>golof in mid hockey game.
ESPN wasn't "inconsistent." The game lasted 4 1/2 hours --
two hours longer than the average hockey game lasts. ESPN's
contracted satellite time ran out. I think it's interesting
so many people on this list would have been able to foresee
such a long overtime game. These things happen. It wasn't
anybody's fault. Since when does everything thathappens in
this world have to be somebody's fault?
Ryan Robbins               "Nothing in fine print is ever good news."
University of Maine                                  -- Andy Rooney
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