I believe the comment pertaining to the uneven calls is more like this....
a ref makes a call on the 1st team.  fine.
the same ref watches another penalty against the 2nd team and does not call
it.  not fine
the same ref makes another call on the 1st team that was similar to the one
he "let slide" on the 2nd team....not fine at all....
the point is this....during that time where maine had the 5x3 there was some
VERY interesting plays that maine committed that should have been called and
when bu made a similar play they were penalized.
i agree with you that a game does not have to be called "eye for an eye" kind
of thing, however, when the phrase "call them both ways" is used it implies
call the same penalty to BOTH teams.....
this is of course all IM(most)HO.....
I'm Dan Kallman
thank you for your support......
GO BU!!!!!
1995 Nat'l Champs!!!!!!
How about them Bruins?!?!