Russell Jaslow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
It always amazes me that people who follow a minor sport are more than
willing to go out and blast another minor sport while at the same time get
all ticked off when others blast their minor sport.
I actually got a few responses to my original post, some nice, some nasty.
 I perhaps should publicly clear things up.  I, in no means, intended to
blast auto racing.  I don't know anyone who follows auto racing at all so
I just wondered if there actually were people who followed it.  My
thinking was that ESPN would be better served by showing something that (I
thought) more people would be interested in, i.e. the hockey games.  I had
no idea that auto racing had any sort of large following.  I've certainly
learned something from some of the angry responses I received!!
I apologize if I angered anyone else.  Guess you DO learn something new
   - Steve