Unless I missed something during the season (which is entirely possible),
Bob Norton blew it when he was discussing the differences between the NHL
and NCAA (i.e., requiring full face masks, etc.) ... he said the penalty
for fighting was a game misconduct and to miss the next game.  Seems to
me that the penalty(ies) are a 5 minute major for fighting, missing the
rest of the current game, and missing the next game (a game DQ) ... unless
you've sinned before, in which case, you miss more than one.
Obligatory band content:  From the sound of the broadcast, it sounds like
the band(s) is/are pretty decent.  :-)
Debbie Somers                                NCAA Div III National Champs
UW-Stevens Point                        1988-89, 1989-90, 1990-91,1992-93
[log in to unmask]
"The right to be heard does not include the right to be taken seriously."
                                    Hubert H. Humphrey